Cranbourne 29/06/2019
![Racing greyhounds](
Nomination Count as at 20/2/2025 1:28:07 pm
Grade | Distance | Nominations |
Maiden | 311 | 7 |
Restricted Win 311 (1-3 Wins)(275+ Ranking) | 311 | 14 |
Grade 5 | 311 | 33 |
Grade 4 | 311 | 3 |
Grade 7 | 311 | 3 |
Cranbourne Track Star - Special Event 311 (6 Dog Field)(Best performed greyhounds at Cranbourne from 1st January 2019 to 20th June 2019)(VICGREYS) | 311 | 6 |
Grade 3 | 311 | 2 |
Grade 6 | 311 | 2 |
The Backman's - Special Event 520 (VICGREYS) | 520 | 10 |
Grade 5 | 520 | 5 |
Grade 5 No Penalty 520 (275+ Ranking) | 520 | 9 |
Grade 6 | 699 | 1 |