

Privacy Legislation

Greyhound Racing Victoria is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals' personal information. GRV is bound by the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Victoria) ("the Acts").

Hot Weather Policy

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Transportation of Greyhounds Policy

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Responsible Gambling

For more information on Victoria's Problem Gambling Strategies visit www.problemgambling.vic.gov.au or call Gamblers Help on 1800 858 858


Victoria has a vibrant racing industry that includes thoroughbred and harness racing (horses) and greyhound racing (dogs). Victorian racing is generally acknowledged to be the strongest in Australia based on criteria such as the financial returns to owners, numbers of races and licensed participants. Studies indicate that the Victorian racing industry contributes over $2 billion to the local economy and employs over 64,000 people in over 30,000 equivalent full time positions. Most of these positions are filled by younger people who are early school leavers and the majority are based in regional Victoria.
Racing in Victoria ranks alongside the largest manufacturing sectors in its contribution to economic activity and employment. It is both an important part of our State's heritage and a competitive strength for our future.


The following Acts are relevant to the conduct of racing and betting in Victoria.

Racing Act 1958

Administered by the Minister for Racing.
Regulates the conduct of race meetings and betting at meetings.
Provides for the licensing of racing clubs and racecourses; the issue of permits for minor race meetings and betting activities; and the registration of bookmakers and their clerks.
Establishes Harness Racing Victoria, Greyhound Racing Victoria, Racing Appeals Tribunal and Bookmakers & Bookmakers' Clerks Registration Committee.
Recognises the role of Racing Victoria Limited as the controlling body of thoroughbred racing.

Gambling Regulation Act 2003

Administered by the Minister for Gaming and in some parts jointly with the Minister for Racing.
Provisions relevant to the Racing Portfolio include:

  • The issuing of a wagering and gaming licence to TABCORP Holdings Ltd providing that the company has entered into an unincorporated joint venture with the racing industry.
  • Establishes the Victorian Casino & Gaming Authority as the regulator of the gaming and wagering licence.
  • Generally regulates the operation of totalisator and fixed odds betting by TABCORP.
  • Prescribes the taxation regime for totalisator and fixed odds betting by TABCORP.
  • Enforcement provisions against illegal betting (eg SP bookmaking).
  • Regulates the advertising and communication of betting related information.
  • Regulates the conduct of minor gaming including the holding of Calcutta sweepstakes.
  • Generally regulates the gaming machine industry in which the racing industry and TABCORP are participants.

Subordinate Legislation

Racing (Bookmakers) Regulations 2002
Racing (Racing Appeals Tribunal) Regulations 1994

Copies of the above legislation can be found on the Parliamentary website.

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Steward Policy

Steward Policy during race meetings

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Swabbing Policy

Swabbing policies & procedures

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Exhibition Trial Policy

Exhibition trial policy during race meetings

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GRV Social Media Rules

Rules applying to use of GRV Social Media pages

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