Nomination Count as at 29/7/2024 3:25:21 am

Grade Distance Nominations
Warrnambool Members Cup Consolation - Special Event 390 (Maidens Ineligible)(10+ Starts)(250+ Ranking)(Greyhounds must renominate. Field finalised on heat placings and time)(VICGREYS) 390 16
Grade 5 390 18
Restricted Win 390 Heats (1-4 Wins)(Final at WBL 8/5) 390 17
Maiden 390 4
Grade 5 T3 390 (Will ONLY be graded if REQUIRED) 390 3
Grade 7 390 2
Grade 3 390 1
Grade 4 390 2
Grade 6 390 2
GRV VICBRED MAIDEN SERIES - Maiden 450 Heats (Vic Bred Only)(Final at WBL 8/5. SUPER VICGREYS for Final ONLY) 450 16
Stan Lake Memorial - Special Event 450 (VICGREYS) 450 6
Macey's Bistro Match Race - Special Event 450 (Must have competed in WBL Cup Heats. Conditions Apply see 450 7
Grade 3 450 1
Grade 5 450 10
Grade 4 450 1
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