The Meadows - Saturday, 6 October 2018
Total Scratchings: 9
Total Late Scratchings: 0
Race Time Distance Scratched Reserves Allocated
Race 1 7:17 pm 730m 2 SIR JAY JAY
Race 2 7:38 pm 600m
Race 3 7:58 pm 525m 10 BLUE FABIANNA
Race 4 8:15 pm 525m
Race 5 8:38 pm 600m 8 OUT OF RANGE
10 SERGEI into Box 8
Race 6 8:57 pm 525m 10 ZING ZANG ZENA
Race 7 9:22 pm 600m 2 ROCKSTAR JANE; 7 WALEONJON
9 MOLLY CHAPTA into Box 2
Race 8 9:45 pm 525m
Race 9 10:05 pm 525m 6 IT'S A PARTY
10 GEOPARK RUBY into Box 6
Race 10 10:23 pm 600m 4 CONNOR ALLEN
Race 11 10:47 pm 525m
Race 12 11:09 pm 525m 2 ZING ZANG ZENA
9 ZIPPING KING into Box 2

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