Current Trainer

Timothy Aloisi
Munno Para West

Other Dogs Trained

Name Next Race Last race
KAI BALE Sandown Park 16/05/2024
LIKE WILDFIRE Sandown (SAP) 14/01/2024
RAVERS ARMY The Meadows 26/08/2023
ZIPPING NEUTRON Sandown Park 16/05/2024

Trainer History

Name From To
Timothy Aloisi (Munno Para West) * 10/05/2024
ASHLEE TERRY (LARA) 03/05/2024 10/05/2024
PAUL ABELA (PARWAN) 04/04/2024 01/05/2024
PAUL ABELA (PARWAN) 29/01/2024 29/01/2024
Darryl Thomas (Sawyers Gully) 29/01/2024 29/01/2024
Michelle Sultana (Londonderry) 29/01/2024 04/04/2024
PAUL ABELA (PARWAN) 17/10/2023 17/10/2023
Michelle Sultana (Londonderry) 17/10/2023 29/01/2024
Michelle Sultana (Londonderry) 21/08/2023 17/10/2023
PAUL ABELA (PARWAN) 01/12/2022 21/08/2023

* = Current

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Yesterday (12/7/2024)


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