Current Trainer

Shaun Matcott
Murray Bridge

Other Dogs Trained

Name Next Race Last race
OAKLEY ALLEN The Meadows 17/10/2012
OCEANA BALE Warragul 19/11/2012
OPRAH ALLEN Shepparton 08/12/2012
PADMA ALLEN The Meadows 17/10/2012
PERTY ALLEN Warrnambool 06/02/2013
QADIRA ALLEN The Meadows 17/10/2012
QUILA ALLEN Ballarat 22/05/2013
RANDOM ROAD Warrnambool 28/01/2012
RASTUS ALLEN Sale 10/02/2013
RHONDA ALLEN Geelong 12/10/2012
« Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | Next »

Trainer History

Name From To
Shaun Matcott (Murray Bridge) * 20/04/2012
GRAEME BATE (LARA) 23/11/2010 08/04/2012

* = Current

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Recent Results

Today (17/7/2024)

Yesterday (16/7/2024)


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