Current Trainer

Lisa Rasmussen
Gifford Hill

Other Dogs Trained

Name Next Race Last race
DYNA WAIVER Ballarat 30/01/2013
DYNA ZORA Ballarat (Q) 25/08/2013
ECLECTIC Warragul 15/01/2013
ERYN BALE The Meadows 16/01/2013
ETEL ALLEN Geelong 30/08/2013
EURIG BALE The Meadows 18/04/2012
FRANK BALE Ballarat 03/10/2012
GOKU BALE Warrnambool 29/08/2013
GWYNN BALE Sale 01/01/2012
HAMPTON BALE The Meadows 16/01/2013
« Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Next »

Trainer History

Name From To
Lisa Rasmussen (Gifford Hill) * 23/07/2012
Christopher Cotton (Coobowie) 06/07/2011 19/07/2012
Benjamin Maclean (Southern River) 20/02/2011 05/07/2011
John Edwards (Southern River) 31/12/2009 19/02/2011

* = Current

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Today (8/7/2024)

Yesterday (7/7/2024)


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