Apply to Adopt a GAP Greyhound

GAP dog
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Residential Address


Postal Address


Household Details


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Other Animals

Animal Age Sex Desexed? Size
1 Dog
2 Dog
3 Dog

Please tell us about the type of greyhound that you think will best suit you

Please Note: Some characters are not allowed e.g. \ / : * ; ) ( ' - = "
Note: All GAP greyhounds are de-sexed prior to adoption. As a guide male greyhounds are slightly larger and weigh slightly more than female greyhounds.


Please Note: Some characters are not allowed e.g. \ / : * ; ) ( ' - = "
PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the adopter to contact GAP if they find a greyhound they would like to adopt. You can do this by visiting the Available Dogs section on the GAP website HERE or by signing up to our bi- weekly email below.
To increase your chances of adopting a greyhound faster please tick the below box to signup up to our bi-weekly Available Dogs mailing list:
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